Tuesday, October 23, 2007


this cool nytimes photo of al gore, which while quite good, put me off a little ...

mr (ok ok, Former Vice President) gore recently won the nobel peace prize (shared in equal measure with the UN's intergovernmental panel on climate change)... i think for good reason:
"for their efforts to build up and disseminate greater knowledge about man-made climate change, and to lay the foundations for the measures that are needed to counteract such change"
but now big al seems to be globetrotting all over the place... giving speeches and talking to everyone and their brother about climate change.

so i think someone should build one of those 'where's waldo' type (adobe) flash games, where you have to try to guess where big al is on the world map. every time you find him, you could get like 1,000,000 biofuels credits, or 1,000,000 carbon emissions credits, 1,000,000 organic, free range chickens, or maybe something actually really useful, like 1,000,000 credit cards. (tho i guess that'd be a lot of bad-for-the-environment plastic which you'd then have to recycle.)

so i thought i'd see if i could provide you with a sample flash games... after googling 'where's waldo', i quickly found, clicked on - and unfortunately fell for - the internet prank site http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/waldo. i soon realized that there's no real waldo in the pic (which is fairly sacrilege), but then got distracted by a text message on my phone. while reading the txt, the stupid exorcist face and accompanying scream suddenly appeared on my computer screen, and scared the holy bejesus outta me. god i hate that website. visit it if you want to be annoyed.

but i won't leave you on a down note: one of my all-time favorite sites is wherethehellismatt.com. i hadn't been there in a while, so i re-read most all of the terribly witty faq's. tomorrow night maybe i'll have time to watch the pissa funny videos!


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