Friday, September 12, 2008

tribute 9/11

A test run of the “Tribute in Light” on Friday. (Credit: Joe Woolhead/Silverstein Properties.)last weekend i played at a UK festival called Bestival (yes, original and clever) on the Isle of Wight, with my guitar-slinging friend Matt Sage. spending 3 days with someone you get to talking about many things.

unforgettable moments came up, and so naturally we recounted where we were when 9/11 hit... and the differences in our experiences, him being in England and mine being in Boston, one of the cities where one of the attacking planes had taken off.

7 years later it is so unbelievably vivid... that whole day from when my ex's mom called us during our morning commute, to learning that her brother-in-law had been in the Pentagon building, to sirens screaming, to cell phone networks unable to cope with the traffic, to when our friend Pam came over that afternoon and we watched all the tv coverage late into the evening -- not able to turn it off it was so incredibly unbelievable, that it could have happened, to watch the replays, to wait for stories of survival...

anyway, naturally the NY Times has great coverage today, so i simply post a link:
and will note that i can't figure out the fashion industry... why would they schedule something so shallow as Fashion Week to cooincide with 9/11?! someone wasn't thinking.

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